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Our Doctor – Sun Prairie

Meet the experienced and friendly doctor who makes EYE Wisconsin a proud provider of vision care products and services in Sun Prairie.

Lai Jiang, OD

Photo of Dr. Jiang.

Dr. Leo joined as an associate doctor in July of 2023 after Dr. Baldwin sold his practice to Eye Wisconsin. He believes in comprehensive, patient-centered care, going beyond clinical data to consider individual needs. Whether you have visual or eye health concerns, he’s here to listen and guide you with precision and compassion. You’ll find him warm, approachable, and dedicated to helping you achieve clear and comfortable vision, just like the kind-hearted eye doctor from his hometown of Toronto, Canada that inspired him to pursue eye care.

He graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada and received his Doctor of Optometry degree with Summa Cum Laude honors from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago. He received training in scleral lens fitting for keratoconus and post-surgical eyes at the Cornea and Laser Eye Institute in New Jersey and medical eye care from the surgical center, Kraff Eye Institute, in Chicago. He brings the latest knowledge of dry eye therapy from the Cornea Center of Clinical Excellence at the Illinois Eye Institute. He has a growing passion for the fight against myopia through education and leading-edge treatments including peripheral-defocus lenses, orthokeratology, and low-dose atropine.

When he’s not helping patients, Dr. Leo enjoys exploring Wisconsin with his wife, indulging in the thrill of escape rooms, trying new restaurants with staff, and traveling for ultimate frisbee tournaments.